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A Message from Rob, Matchwell Founder and CEO


Robert Crowe
March 20, 2020

News of COVID-19 has captured our collective minds and hearts with a sense of uncertainty across the global community. For those of you who have been directly or indirectly impacted, our prayers are with you.

It is at this time that we recognize our individual vulnerabilities as well as the opportunity to stand together and support each other. It is also with much pride that we recognize the healthcare workers across our communities who have not hesitated to rise up to protect and treat the most vulnerable amongst us.

Matchwell continues to monitor and honor all recommendations from the CDC. Our internal Matchwell team has always been remote and will continue to be available to you via video, voice or other digital channels. Although this is far from business as usual, we continue with our mission to provide the most direct, transparent, and cost-effective way to connect healthcare workers and healthcare organizations for on-demand, contract, or full-time work. We are reminded of this mission daily and with an added sense of urgency during this difficult time.

Matchwell was founded in the best of times to provide a meaningful workforce solution to an overburdened healthcare system. In the worst of times, we’re here to amplify every resource that can be mobilized to provide care. If you are a healthcare worker, consider getting pre-approved at another facility through Matchwell where your unique skills may be needed in the near future. If you are a healthcare organization who could use increased access to healthcare workers without going through an agency, let’s start building a better tomorrow together today.

Robert Crowe
Founder and CEO at Matchwell

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